The information provided below is an extract from nbn website
Which services will be impacted by the rollout of the nbn™ broadband access network?
With the nbn™ broadband access network soon to replace most existing fixed phone and internet networks, many services will be impacted. The following information details which services won’t be disconnected due to nbn’s rollout, and which ones will be permanently disconnected.
Services that will be switched off
which mentions that the following services, which are currently provided over a number of existing fixed line networks, will be permanently disconnected:
Telstra Home/landline phone services (except some Telstra Velocity lines).
Home and landline phone services from all other phone companies, where the service is provided over Telstra's copper phone lines.
All ADSL, ADSL2 and ADSL2+ internet services from all providers.
Telstra BigPond cable internet services.
Optus cable internet and cable phone services.
Moving to the nbn™ access network is not automatic. To connect to a new plan, nbn strongly recommends you contact a phone or internet provider.

How the process works
Special Services generally begin to be disconnected 36 months from the issue of the relevant White Paper# – this is referred to as the Special Services disconnection date. This date can vary depending on a couple of factors.
If you have a Special Service that’s affected by a White Paper, there are two separate dates that can determine when you begin the disconnection process.
Depending on where you’re located and your nbn™ access technology, you may find there is a rollout region disconnection date (RRDD) (for standard phone and internet services), and a Special Services disconnection date (SSDD). These two dates may not necessarily coincide with each other. Whichever disconnection date occurs last will determine when your Special Service must begin the disconnection process.#
When the rollout region disconnection date occurs prior to the Special Services disconnection date
In some areas, the rollout region disconnection date will arrive before the Special Services disconnection date. In these instances, the later Special Services disconnection date will apply.#